The OpenAPI Specification

Posted by Steven Hart
Wed 26 January 2022 in Formats

What is the OpenAPI specification and what does it mean to AI/ML in digital pathology?

The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for HTTP APIs, which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without requiring access to source code, additional documentation, or inspection of network traffic. When properly defined via OpenAPI, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic. Similar to what interface descriptions have done for lower-level programming, the OpenAPI Specification removes guesswork in calling a service 1 .

Digital Pathology is a constantly evolving space. There are numerous vendors and academics in this space trying to develop tools aimed at decreasing the monotony of repetitive tasks like cell counting to more complex survival/response to therapy predictions. Needless to say, there is significantly more work to do in this space than any one person, institution, or even association could attempt to solve. We need to accept that no matter how bright each of the individuals are who develop these algorithms, their focus will necessarily be biased toward novelty related to outcomes rather than implementation. We are already seeing institutions trying to integrate multiple scanners with laboratory information systems, electronic medical records, and on-prem/cloud/hybrid data centers and standards like the OpenAPI are one of the tools that make this integration possible.

So why is the Association for Pathology Informatics bringing attention to OpenAPI instead of say, HIMSS 2 ? Well, our theory is that it will be much easier to implement the innovative methods in AI/ML if we can develop more of an easy lift platform for our IT colleagues. Sorry Zuck, but the idea of "Move fast and break things" is not appropriate in the medical informatics domain. There's too much that could go wrong, too much liability and safety concerns, and too many people with diverse skill sets that have to be onboard to affect real change. Too often in academics it's easy to think about building an algorithm, publishing a paper, then moving on. However, for an AI/ML algorithm to be implemented in the clinical space, we can't simply toss an academic-grade model "over-the-wall" to out IT colleagues, who may likely not understand the model, the framework, or even the programming language it was written in. It is not fair - or even realistic - to assume that these individuals could/should be responsible for making such an algorithm robust to various clinical factors that could negatively impact the results from real world data while at the same time asking them to make it available 24x7, robust from a security perspective, and build extensive middleware to adhere to custom requirements of the app and enforce institutional policies and standards.

Making the case for interoperability

The challenge is to present standards to developers whose goals may be more short-term oriented. We must make the case for why standards should be considered from the beginning to the end of the product life-cycle - while at the same time recognizing the constraints and minimizing the interoperability burden on any one group. To do this, we need to agree first and foremost, that interoperability is needed. How many times have you wanted to "kick the tires" on some new AI model, only to realize that it would take a considerable amount of conversion effort so that it worked in your compute environment on your data? Sometimes, the amount of effort is daunting, and we aren't even sure that it will be worth the effort in cases where the model performs worse than your existing strategy.

Moreover, what happens when someone's model becomes deeply entrenched into a specific user interface or platform? If standards like open APIs are used at the outset, it becomes much simpler to disentangle the models from the interfaces. Say for example, I want to compare a QC model that I developed in house to that of company X. My institution has decided to implement a platform from vendor Y. If company X's model is coupled to another platform whose APIs are closed, or not following standard practices, it may not be possible to consider company X's model since it does not fit in to the enterprise context. Even if the model is significantly better than anything else out there, that does not guarantee that it would be adopted because company Z's model is significantly better at something else.

Using the OpenAPI spec in the context of digital pathology

In order to achieve interoperable software for digital pathology, it will be important for professional associations, like API, to show how little additional effort standards adoption actually takes. Reading the details and getting down into the weeds can be overwhelming if there is not a clear picture of "What is it I actually need to know?". To this end, we are promoting highly-targeted primers like the one below that can help distill complex standards into bite-sized consumable pieces that are relevant to something we understand - digital pathology. We can always dig into the full specification to get the detailed answers to specific questions we may have.

So let's start with the basics. We will define our API in a YAML file. For this use case, let's say we want to create an API that retrieves metadata about a slide. From the docs, we see that there are 10 possible objects that we can add information to: openapi, info, jsonSchemaDialect, servers, paths, webhooks, components, security, tags, and external docs.


The first object is pretty simple. It's just an attestation of the OpenAPI specification you are conforming to. This means that as the specification evolves, our systems will be able to change their expectations of what the APIs should look like.

openapi: 3.1.0                              # The version of the OpenAPI spec your API is conforming to


The next object is where we can put some metadata about the API itself, including things like who can use it, license, and contact info. Pretty basic stuff really. The title and version fields are the only required ones (as of v3.1.0).

title: Metadata API
summary: Allows users to work with metadata for whole slide images
description: Retrieves and modified slide-level information from our internal servers 
termsOfService:  # Where users can find the terms and conditions for this API use
contact:                                    # This little block provides info about who on your team is supporting this API
  name: API Support
license:                                    # License (if any)
  name: Apache 2.0
version: 1.0.1                              # Version of your API


An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server. In essence, this is where you list the servers that you want your API to route to. You need these when your server needs to send the request to a different machine. Otherwise, the assumption is that you are only using the current machine (e.g. /).

- url:
  description: Development server
- url:
  description: Staging server
- url:
  description: Production server


OK, now that we have the plumbing out of the way, we can start to put in some business logic. We do this by 1) Specifying the url paths (routes) we want to create 2) Defining the Inputs 3) Defining the outputs

Unlike the official docs, I'll provide a more realistic example for API-folks. In this API, let's have the objective be to query a slide (input) and get back the metadata about the slide (output).

Since I want the slideID to retreive metadata from a specific slide, I need to create a structure using a variable. For example, my URL will start with '/slideMetadata' and end with {/slideID}. If I didn't include the curly braces here, I would actually be creating a route that was '/slideMetadata/slideID' with the 'slideID' being literally 'slideID'.

/slideMetadata/{slideID}:           # This is the route I want to create  

Now that I have the route defined, how do I tell the API what slide identifier to use as input? Simple, we just need to create a requestBody object.

    - name: slideID         # variable name must match the url variable
      in: path              # if you are using this parameter in the path,like we are, this must be set to 'path' 
                            # More docs [here](
      required: true        # This is required, since we need to know what slide to look for
      description: the slide identifier, as slideID 
        type: string        # As in '10X12124ghsts.svs'

Great! Now I have a route defined that takes a single variable. The next step is to define what the API should return. For this, we'll use a 'GET' request.

  get:                  # Since I am retrieving information, this is a GET-type request see [here](
    description: Returns all slide-level metadata   # Some human-readable information about what the API is doing
      '200':            # use [standard response codes]( wherever possible
        description: A list of all slide metadata keys and thier values.
          application/json:         # This specifies the response will be in JSON format
              type: object          # Will return a dictionary object (otherwise integer, string, number)
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/OpenslideProperties'    # I'll explain this later
      '405':            # If necessary, add other possible response codes
        description: "Method Not Allowed",
                    {...}   # Put content here corresponding to your response code

In the above example, we created a single path (slideMetadata/{slideID}) with a single method (get), and two possible responses (200 and 405). Naturally, the service that they are calling needs to have both of those options enabled/codified based on your business logic. All of this makes sense, except for maybe that $ref thing, which is the next thing we will talk about (Schema Objects).

Schema Objects

Schemas are simple standardised descriptions for the structure of the data that will be returned by the slideMetadata service. In this example, let's say that our slideMetadata service responds with standard properties. We need a way to represent that structure so that whatever code will eventually receive that response will know how to parse it. This is usually done by defining your schemas at the end of your yaml file like this:

    OpenslideProperties:    # From the example above, we said that the schema could be found in #/components/schemas/OpenslideProperties
      type: object          # Anything more complex that a string or int, should probably be an object or array
          description: The name of the property containing a slide’s comment, if any
          type: string
          description: The name of the property containing an identification of the vendor
          type: string
          description: The name of the property containing the “quickhash-1” sum
          type: string
          description: The name of the property containing a slide’s background color, if any. It is represented as an RGB hex triplet
          type: string
          description: The name of the property containing a slide’s objective power, if known
          type: number
          description: The name of the property containing the number of microns per pixel in the X dimension of level 0, if known
          type: float
          description: The name of the property containing the number of microns per pixel in the Y dimension of level 0, if known
          type: float
          description: The name of the property containing the X coordinate of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available
          type: number
          description: The name of the property containing the Y coordinate of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available
          type: number
          description: The name of the property containing the width of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available
          type: number
          description: The name of the property containing the height of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available
          type: number

There's a TON of documentation available for how to define the OpenAPI standard. I hope this brief intro with context focused on digital pathology may have shown you how easy it would be to leverage these standards in your own workflows.